![]() Friends of Black Bayou is an award-winning, non-profit community organization that supports the protection and enhancement of Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge located in Monroe, Ouachita Parish, Louisiana. FoBB came into existence in August 1997 with a core group of dedicated supporters and volunteers who cared about the new Refuge and dreamed big. In a very short time, members saw dreams taking shape.
The century-old planter's home was renovated and is now the Visitors’ Center. FoBB sponsors an annual Fall Celebration with a Photo Contest, and free games and activities for kids, food, exhibitors, and lots of wildlife themed fun! The Conservation Learning Center opened in October 2005, provides spectacular live native wildlife exhibits and a well-equipped classroom. Educational opportunities are a top priority for FoBB. Curriculum materials were developed, and learning about wildlife became fun and convenient from
Art is a part of nature, too. Photographers and other artists are able to observe wildlife from the comfort of the photo blind, the wildlife pier, and the observation deck. Kids of all ages enjoy experiencing nature from trails that include a paved walkway or a raised boardwalk. And grownups appreciate the fact that the Refuge is free, educational, not far from Monroe, and best of all--fun! Throughout the year, events are scheduled at the Refuge, and the public is invited to visit any time the Refuge is open (from 30 minutes before sunrise to 30 minutes after sunset). Whether there is a special event or not, nature is always here. You can also call the Visitor Center at (318) 387-1114 or email [email protected] for more information about any program at the refuge. The volunteer answering the phone will be able to answer your questions, or can refer you to the person who can answer them.
Remember that feeding, harassing, removing, or otherwise interfering with alligators or other wildlife on the Refuge is against federal law!
Did you see someone feeding or harassing the alligators? Just snap a photo and text it with the details to our refuge officers at 318-355-6842 or 318-351-4965. You can also call the Louisiana Dept of Wildlife & Fisheries 24hr line at 1-800-442-2511 and give details. (Suggestion: add that hotline number to your phone contacts list now). Nobody wants their child, grandchild, or dog attacked by a wild animal because that wild animal associated PEOPLE with FOOD. Stop it, y'all! News
277 Butterflies in Black Bayou Lake NWR 2024 Butterfly Count
Eleven volunteers and Lepidopterist Craig Marks conducted the second Butterfly Count on Sunday September 8th, 2024, at Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. The survey recorded some significant finds, including a new Parish record for Dorantes Longtail (Thorybes dorantes). Craig will submit the collated data to the official NABA records. Learn more ... Jim Kolinski Earns Prestigious Louisiana Wildlife Federation's Volunteer Conservationist of the Year Award! Jim Kolinski serves as curator and environmental educator at the Black Bayou Lake Conservation Education Center in Monroe, LA. His passion for, and devotion to, wildlife and nature education receives wide-spread, and well-deserved respect and recognition! Learn more ... FoBB-Supported Project Unveils History of Black Bayou Lake NWR! ACE Volunteer Researcher and certified teacher, Kristen Boyd has been recovering important local history at the refuge. Erin Bellavia, Refuge Manager for the Black Bayou Lake, D'Arbonne, Handy Brake, & Upper Ouachita NWR's says “The eventual goal of this project is to be able to tell the story and honor those who lived on this land and translate that human experience to the larger conservation story of land use over time and human impacts on the ecosystem.” Learn more ... |