Adopt a Tree
Adopt-a-Tree for education, in memory of someone, to celebrate a newborn, or to honor someone. You can choose the type of tree you'd like to adopt, too! All proceeds from adopted trees help to support the educational, recreational, and environmental goals of Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Names of adopters (and those memorialized / honored) are displayed on a plaque inside the Visitor Center. FoBB is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, so your donations may be tax deductible.
A native plant arboretum, including your adopted tree species, has been developed in the public-use area near the Visitor Center. Over 100 species of trees and shrubs native to Louisiana have been planted along an easily accessible trail. This arboretum is already contributing to the beauty of the natural landscaping as well as serving as a valuable teaching resource for area educators. There are big trees, small trees, skinny trees, fat trees--a wonderful assortment. Names of adopters and their chosen tree species are displayed on a beautiful plaque in the Visitor Center. Plus, you will receive a certificate, suitable for framing. All proceeds from adopted trees help to support the educational, recreational, and environmental goals of Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge.
Please note: Once you click on the Donate button and click through to EITHER (A) Pay with PayPal OR (B) Pay with a debit/credit card, there will be a box for you to type in the name of the tree species and/or the name of the person you wish to honor, celebrate or memorialize with your donation. A tree donation is a great way to memorialize a loved one, or say "thank you" to anybody you want. Thank you.
Questions? Call 318-387-1114 or email [email protected].
TREES AVAILABLE FOR ADOPTION include the following native species:
Loblolly Pine
Shortleaf Pine Spruce Pine Eastern Red Cedar Eastern Cottonwood Black Walnut Shagbark Hickory Mockernut Hickory Pignut Hickory Nutmeg Hickory Water Hickory American Hornbeam American Beech Allegheny Chinquapin Cedar Elm Winged Elm Slippery Elm American Elm Slash Pine Longleaf Pine Bald Cypress Black WIllow Southern Bayberry Shellbark Hickory Swamp Hickory Black Hickory Bitternut Hickory |
River Birch Eastern Hophornbeam American Chestnut Live Oak Overcup Oak Chinquapin Oak Oglethorpe Oak Southern Red Oak Shumard Oak Willow Oak Nuttail Oak Blackjack Oak Post Oak White Oak Swamp Chestnut Oak Laurel Oak Black Oak Pin Oak Water Oak Bluejack Oak Arkansas Oak Hackberry Red Mulberry Cucumber Tree Frazer Magnolia Bigleaf Magnolia |
Yellow Poplar
Red Bay Witchhazel Sycamore Serviceberry Parsley Hawthorn Mexican Plum Waterlocust Eastern Coralbean Winged Sumac American Holly Deciduous Holly Red Maple Red Buckeye Basswood Blackgum Flowering Dogwood Alternate-Leaf Dogwood Tree Sparkleberry Common Persimmon Two-Wing Silverbell White Ash Swamp-Privet Southern Catalpa Rusty Blackhaw Viburnum Possumhaw Viburnum |