11AM - 6-12 Year Old Kids Program on Pollinators
Call refuge for more information 318-387-1114
10AM - 3-5 Year Old Kids Program on Pollinators
11AM - 6-12 Year Old Kids Program on Pollinators Call refuge for more information 318-387-1114
Spring Celebration combining Earth Day & Migratory Bird Day
Check back soon for more information and schedule!
SPECIAL NIGHTTIME EVENT! The refuge is normally CLOSED at night -- but for this SPECIAL EVENT, come join Nova on a guided walk to listen, watch, and learn about frogs and frog voices that you hear at nighttime. Watch the last full moon of winter rise, too. Meet at the Visitor Center at 7PM. Here is Nova's flyer with the details.
Banner image "Caught" By Jon K. Guice
Events at the RefugeThere's always something happening at Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Archives
October 2024
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