FoBB's Wildflower/garden project The first official garden workday has been scheduled for 8 am, Saturday, March 30, 2019 at the Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. Monica Boudreux plans for “adopt-a-plots” and calls for donations of tools, topsoil, and seeds. Adopt-a-Plot - If you are interested in working on a two-person team for adopting each plot (to do the weeding and other tasks needed), contact Monica Boudreaux at [email protected]. FoBB has already received donations of two birdbaths, kneel-pads, two benches are promised! And monetary donations for the pollinator garden are also now being accepted! Ready to donate? Click HERE |
ANNOUNCEMENT! New officers and board members of Friends of Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife refuge for 2019-2010 are:
President: Ann Smith Vice President: Kris Kelley Treasurer: Bob Eisenstadt Recording Secretary: Theresa Do Membership Secretary: Wanda Kelley Shop Directors: Gloria Dedmon and Leslie Calhoun Education Director: Angela Harrison At-Large Board Members: Anna Hill, Monica Boudreaux, Kelby Ouchley, Becky Ham, Jamie Parker, Cyndy Hardaker, and Melanie Dedmon. Congratulations to the new slate of leaders! Friends of Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge Annual Photo Contest Results
Winners of the fourteenth annual Friends of Black Bayou photo contest were named on October 6, 2018, with a scenic/professional division photo called “Full Moon Ibis” by local photographer William Watson winning Best of Show. All photos in the contest were taken at the North Louisiana Refuges Complex, including Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge, D’Arbonne National Wildlife Refuge, Upper Ouachita National Wildlife Refuge and Handy Brake National Wildlife Refuge. FoBB board member Leslie Calhoun was chair of the contest this year, with assistance from FoBB members Kris Kelley, Gloria Dedmon, Bob Eisenstadt, Monique Keeling, and Ann Bloxom Smith. Judges were several local photographers who evaluated the entries in youth, adult professional and adult amateur categories. Charles Heck, Sr., founded the contest in 2004. Kristopher Kelley is the current president of the Friends. The public is invited to view the winning photos during the annual Fall Celebration, which occurs Saturday, October 13, 2018, 10 am-3 pm, when there will also be a free lunch and lots of family activities. The photos will also be on display in the Refuge Visitor Center at least through November, in addition to being on the FoBB website, Ribboned photographs are as follows: Grand prize/best of show: William Watson, “Full Moon Ibis.” Judges’ Special Environmental Consciousness Award: Cyndy Hardaker, “Please Do Not Litter!” Amateur--Scenic: 1st—Monica Boudreaux, “Serenity Now”; 2nd—Kris Kelley, “Refuge Visitor Center at Sunset”; 3rd—Lorrie Watson, “Serenity.” Honorable Mention: Tammy Smith, “The Great Fly-By” and “Solemn Serenity”; Monica Boudreaux, “Painting the Bayou” and “Cloudy Illusion.” Amateur--Wildlife: 1st—Lorrie Watson, “Dancing Giants”; 2nd—Cyndy Hardaker, “Wood Storks”; 3rd—Monica Boudreaux, “All in the Family.” Honorable Mention: Cyndy Hardaker, “’Gulp’—Snake Eating Frog”; Lorrie Watson, “Gator in the Morning Light”; Tammy Smith, “Now You See Me” and “I’ve Got My Eye on You.” Amateur--Birds: 1st—Lorrie Watson, “Mama Feeding Baby”; 2nd—Monica Boudreaux, “Content”; 3rd—Cyndy Hardaker, “Belted Kingfisher.” Honorable Mention: Cyndy Hardaker, “Eastern Screech Owl”; Monica Boudreaux, “Bashful Blue”; Kimberly Paxton, “Thrush in Winter”; Lorrie Watson, “Symmetry in Flight” and Great Blue Heron in Flight.” Amateur--Plants: 1st—Monica Boudreaux, “The Life Source”; 2nd—Amber Johnfroe, “Misted Hyacinth”; 3rd—Cyndy Hardaker, “Brown-Eyed Susans.” Honorable Mention: Monica Boudreaux, “Radiant”; Cyndy Hardaker, “Mexican Sunflower”; Tammy Smith, “Just Buzzing By.” Amateur--People on the Refuge: 1st—Kimberly Paxton, “Meeting the Snake”; 2nd—Tammy Smith, “Rowing Along”; 3rd—Monica Boudreaux, “Mother’s Love.” Honorable Mention: Monica Boudreaux, “Road to Fitness”; Lorrie Watson, “Wrong Camo Dude.” Amateur—Macro/Micro: 1st—Kris Kelley, “Dragonfly Eye”; 2nd—Cyndy Hardaker, “Painted Lady Butterfly”; 3rd—Lorrie Watson, “Thistle.” Honorable Mention: Kris Kelley, “Sulphur Butterfly”; Monica Boudreaux, “On the Throne.” Professional—Scenic: 1st—Jeff Perot, “Waterlogged”; 2nd—Mike Colvin, “A Maple among Cypress”; 3rd—William Watson, “Look Deeper: Foggy Morning on the Lake.” Honorable Mention: Douglas Hazard, “Sunrise”; Jeff Perot, “Old Oak.” Professional—Wildlife: 1st—Chad McElwee, “Evening Glow”; 2nd—Mike Colvin, “Channeling Yoda”; 3rd—William Watson, “Big Boys Club.” Honorable Mention: Chad McElwee, “Blended”; Mike Colvin, “Double Vision.” Professional—Birds: 1st—William Watson, “Dancing Dress: Great Egret”; 2nd—Mike Colvin, “Tossed Bug for Lunch”; 3rd—Tammy Heil, “That’s My Bug!!” Honorable Mention: William Watson, “The Elusive One: Least Bittern”; Mike Colvin, “Stop-Action Eagle Professional—Plants: 1st—Mike Colvin, “Early Light: Morning Glory”; 2nd—Jeff Perot, “Bright Beginning”; 3rd—Nathan Tremaine, “Blossom.” Honorable Mention: Mike Colvin, “Spider Lily”; Jeff Perot, “Blooming Light.” Professional—People on the Refuge: 1st—Nathan Tremaine, “Balance”; 2nd—Chad McElwee, “Sunset Conversation”; 3rd—Mike Colvin, “Walking on Water.” Professional—Macro/Micro: 1st—Chad McElwee, “Luminous”; 2nd—William Watson, “Maybe She’s Born with It!”; 3rd—Charles Paxton, “Ambushed.” Honorable Mention: William Watson, “Tails It Is!” and “Tiny Flower-Tender: Jumping Spider”; Mike Colvin, “Fuzzy Bumble Bee.” Youth—Scenic: 1st—Lexi Harper, “Teacups”; 2nd—Kate Kyzar, “Gray and Alone”; 3rd—Dorion McFadden, “Thunder on the Bayou.” Honorable Mention—Lexi Harper, “Here Comes the Moon”; Kate Kyzar, “Louisiana Landscape.” Youth—Micro: 1st—Lexi Harper, “Dinner Is Served”; 2nd—Kate Kyzar, “Gray Galaxy”; 3rd—Dorion McFadden, “Wildflower.” Honorable Mention—Lexi Harper, “Get Your Own Flower”; Lexi Harper, “Stay Away from Me.” Youth—Plants: 1st—Lexi Harper, “Queen of the Pad!”; 2nd—Kate Kyzar, “Bright Red”; 3rd—Makala Gagnon, “Untitled.” Honorable Mention—Lexi Harper, “End of the Day”; Lexi Harper, “Don’t Leave Me Hangin’!”; Nola Grigson, “Untitled (Zinnia)”; Dorion McFadden, “Rose and Thorns.” Youth—People on the Refuge: 1st—Lexi Harper, “Where Did That Bug Go?”; 2nd—Keira Boudreaux, “Pro on the Trail”; 3rd—Sapphire Davis, “Untitled (Nova).”Honorable Mention—Lexi Harper, “Run!”; Lexi Harper, “Wait for Me!” Youth—Birds: 1st—Keira Bourdreaux, “Fly By”; 2nd—Lexi Harper, “It Is Hot!”; 3rd—Dorion McFadden, “Swoosh!” Honroable Mention—Lexi Harper, “Get Your Own Branch!”; Lexi Harper, “Where Are You, Little Fish?” Youth—Wildlife: 1st—Kate Kyzar, “Black and White Beauty”; 2nd—Lexi Harper, “I Love the Sun.” Honorable Mention—Lexi Harper, “King of the Lily Pad”; Lexi Harper, “Make Room for Me!” Registration is now available online - Click here for more informationAll are invited to this great event! Fall Celebration this year is scheduled for October 13th from 9am-3pm. Trail Run will be at 9am and the rest of the events will begin at 10am. More information soon! Thursday, June 21st 7:30-9pm Annual Summer Solstice Paddle
Join us on the annual summer solstice paddle to celebrate the longest day of the year and to watch the sunset over the lake. If you have your own kayak or canoe please join us. If you need to rent one for the evening please call the Visitor Center at 387-1114 to reserve one $10/person. Bring a beverage and a snack and plenty of bug spray.
Katie works with the next generation of students, and has studied the habitat and habits of the species. Prothonotaries specifically nest in cavities in bottomland hardwoods and cypress Tupelo swamps. Audubon Louisiana volunteers are always needed for banding, research, and is sometimes labor intensive, so if you are interested in volunteering, you may reach out to Audubon Louisiana or Katie for more information.
Additional sources of information include: Thank you, Katie for an informative and educational conservation presentation in this "Year of the Bird!" - FoBB Volunteers Friends of Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge is launching a major fundraising campaign and we would love to invite you to be our community partner!
We’ve set our sights on bringing back our Alligator exhibit in the Conservation Learning Center at Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. This $30,000 fundraising goal will include not only the tank, filtration, lighting and support systems but also the enclosure and educational signage. This exhibit has been a feature for many years and the tank and enclosure cannot be repaired and need full replacement. The enlarged tank and enclosure will provide an excellent habitat for small turtles and alligators while providing a safe observation area for the public, particularly children and school groups. This exhibit will highlight the diversity and key species present in the lake while providing great educational outreach. For additional information, please click here or contact [email protected] As a donor, you are helping in an important community effort to conserve and enhance Black Bayou Lake National Wildlife Refuge. We take your support of FoBB very seriously and hope to provide you with ample reason to support our efforts. To that end, we have created multiple sponsorship levels that we may highlight a name, corporate logo or memorial on our exhibit as a lasting showcase of your generosity. |
Banner image "Caught" By Jon K. Guice
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